Sunday, January 06, 2008

wait... you mean I'm *pregnant* ?!

Holy Cow! How on earth did I make it to the 2T?! It still doesn't feel real, and I've seen the baby several times, including one where s/he was waving and wriggling around. We've seen the heartbeat (though not heard it yet). I have an OB, my pants are tight, and my appetite is all cattywumpus. But I still feel like a total poser, like any day now someone is going to find out I'm just faking this and I'll be kicked out of the mommy club.

I had big plans to head out to an outlet mall about an hour away from me this weekend. But it's raining, and I'm sleepy/lazy/pregnant. So I decided to do some light shopping online, get some pants to hold me over until I "need" maternity clothes. I'm just a few weeks along, right? This isn't baby yet, the baby is too small...

My mother gave me a maternity top when she first found out I was pregnant, so I tried it on to get a feel for sizes. WOW! I took a look in the mirror, and I freakin' look pregnant! WTH?! Did some quick math - we've got about six months to get ready for this kid! I just found out I was pregnant, I'm supposed to have nine months! I was so freaked out, I called my mom. I *never* call my mom. I'm not an "I need my mommy" type.

I'm pregnant. Really and truly pregnant. I'm not just lazy and sleepy all the time - all my energy is going to growing another person inside of me! I'm not just a picky eater all of a sudden, there's a BABY in there! This is actually really for reals! Crazy...


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