Sunday, November 18, 2007


By the time they called this morning I was feeling a little bit silly. But the nurse was very kind. She isn't always, I got the same one who told me "Let's not get too excited yet, let's wait and see what happens."

I was right. She told me to chill. But in a nice way, and when I thanked her for calling me back and for not laughing at me, she said, "Oh of course! Don't even worry about it!" I'm sure they're used to hormonal women worried about their babies. After all, each of us that they deal with has been through a lot to get here. Just the merest suggestion that something might be wrong is horrifying, even when it comes from someone compeltely unqualified to have an opinion.

Man I wish I could sleep. I'm exhausted, but can't seem to keep my eyes closed. Oh well. Baby practice. ;-)


Blogger KB said...

Good for you for calling. Always call the doctor's office if you're nervous. They're used to it, get paid for it and it will make you feel better. It's practice for when you have the baby and call the pediatrician's office about every sniff and blemish.

Just think, only 18 more years of this. =)

12:07 PM  
Blogger joyous melancholy said...

That is going to be my motto for the next nine months. When in doubt, call. I may have insurance, but they're still getting paid handsomely to take care of me, so by gum they're going to take care of me!

9:09 AM  

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