Wednesday, November 14, 2007

five week mark

I can't believe I've known I'm pregnant for the past 10 days. It still seems surreal. I'm having an easier time wrapping my head around "I'm going to be a mommy" than I am "I'm pregnant."

Today is the five week mark. Which strikes me as hilarious, since the IUI was only three weeks ago. Ah, pregnancy math. Douglas Adams should have powered a spaceship on that one.

My levels continue to go up.
Beta #1 @ 12 DPIUI 34.5
Beta #2 @ 16 DPIUI 170.0
Beta #3 @ 20 DPIUI 1112.0

It's a doubling rate of about a day and a half, which is very good considering they like to see it double at least every two days.

Friday is my first ultrasound - they say there's the slightest possibility we might maybe see the heartbeat, no promises. That would be freaky cool, but I'm not holding my breath. I just want more confirmation that this little fella is sticking and growing and all is as it should be.

I keep POAS. Every day I test again to see if the line is getting darker. I have them all lined up on my window sill, so I can see the progression. Yesterday the line was almost as dark as the control line, and it's interesting to see that I didn't really start to get a noticeable line until about three days after my doctor confirmed pregnancy.

So far the morning sickness has hit, but seems to be better this week now that I'm giving in to the exhaustion and getting more sleep. The heartburn won't cooperate, though, and keeps me up every couple of hours. It's okay, though, as I'm up anyway to pee. What I don't like so much is waking up with so much acid in my stomach that I puke for 20 minutes. I can go most of the day peeing only a few times, but come night time I'm up every two hours. I have no idea what that is about. I'm also so bloated that I have one pair of pants that's fitting me, and only with a rubber band looped through the button hole. I'm told the bloating goes away after a few weeks, and then my pants will fit again until the bump starts to show. Other than that, my boobs are sore as hell and my sense of smell seems to have kicked into high gear.

All in all, it seems like a perfectly normal pregnancy. =) And I'm loving every minute of it. I waited too long for this to do nothing but bitch and moan about it for the next nine months. I know that there will come a time, probably before too long, that my physical symptoms get the best of me and I break down into a puddle of tears. That's okay, too. For the most part, though, I want to try and enjoy this as much as I can.


Blogger KB said...

I always treated the sore boobs like a pregnancy test in those first few nervous weeks/months. If they were sore, then the hormones were still crazy and I was still pregnant. Same goes for morning sickness. Hang in there. And congratulations!

6:47 PM  

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