Thursday, October 11, 2007

extra super dragon strength

One of the things that a woman does in her quest for motherhood is to treat her body as if she is already pregnant. I have cut back on caffeine and alcohol, I'm not smoking, I'm (trying to) eat healthier… I also went to my doctor and we agreed to switch out all the different prescriptions I'm on for ones that are pregnancy safe. This is important because a lot of the damage that unsafe meds can cause to an unborn child can happen within the first ten days after conception, before I'd even know I was pregnant. So, some prescriptions were swapped for others, and some were cut clean out.

Unfortunately, one of the meds that was completely eliminated was the one that prevents me from getting migraines. Since my migraines are menstrual migraines, and most prominent at the turn of a cycle, I figured I could live with it for a day or two for the good of my future child. I'm looking into alternative treatments, such as acupuncture, acupressure massage, chiropractic care. I have several calls out already, and I'm most interested in a Wellness Center that is right near my work, and that advertises a holistic approach to total health.

However, one of the side effects of the progesterone I was taking is the delay of my period. I am here in a limbo land between "We're so sorry, your blood results came back negative" and "Oh crap, time to stock up on feminine products." Thing is, my head doesn't realize this could take a few days, and has kicked into migraine mode. For the past four days, I have alternated between migraine pain and waves of nausea, unable to take my preventative meds, and not supposed to take my treatment meds. And the migraine won't go away until AF comes, and that could still take 'til Sunday.

The doctor told me I could take Tylenol. Extra Strength, even. Which is about as effective a cure for migraines as "just relaxing" is a cure for infertility.

But I'm trying to "behave," do what I'm supposed to do, increase my chances of eventually being able to conceive. So Tylenol it is, combined so far with cold compresses, hot showers, subdued movements, and small snacks throughout the day to keep my stomach settled. I've found they make it in a variety of options – vanilla-flavored night-time Tylenol, flavor-burst daytime Extra Strength, capsules, caplets, gelcaps… None of it really works.

In a fit of desperation, I finally asked the pharmacist what I thought was a very stupid question. "Is there something stronger than Extra Strength Tylenol? Is there some sort of Extra Super Dragon Strength Tylenol?" I was willing to look stupid if there was a chance.

As it turns out, there is. I don't know what regular Tylenol contains, but I know that Extra Strength Tylenol contains 500mg of acetaminophen. However, Tylenol Arthritis Pain contains 650mg! Which means for each two-capsule dose, I'm getting an additional 300mg of the good stuff! And it's time-released, so the effects last longer.

So yes, there IS such a thing as Extra Super Dragon Strength, OTC Tylenol. And it's safe for me to take, and it finally takes the edge off. I'm so glad I asked!


Blogger C said...

Sorry you're having problems with your migraines again...what a thing to add to the already difficult issues with IF. But, it's good that you weren't afraid to ask about dragon strength:) I'll make a note of that:)

1:25 PM  
Blogger joyous melancholy said...

I asked my doc if I should go back to the neurologist. She said no, he'll just give me more drugs. She said "You can pursure medicated migraine management, or you can pursue pregnancy. Which is more important to you?" Of course the answer is easy on that one. So I'm pursuing alternative forms of migraine management. If this one would just go away, I could actually focus on the task.

I thought the Super Dragon Strength was worth passing on, though, for those who didn't know. ;-)

3:38 PM  
Blogger KB said...

Tylenol with coedine, oddly enough, is also safe during pregnancy (probably not in gallon strength, but used occasionally). It that works, I'd ask your doctor to prescribe it.

8:30 PM  

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