Sunday, November 04, 2007

holy crap!

Okay, now it's hitting me.

I'm going to be a mommy! Whatever happens from this point on, I can never again say I've never been pregnant. I actually used the phrase "Because I'm the momma now!" to my own mother tonight. (She was pushing me to tell her the names we've been thinking of.)

I have a million things I need to do!
  1. Clean the house. No, I mean REALLY clean the house.
  2. Including the "spare room," which has been a cat room, and needs to be a baby room.
  3. Patch up the walls - the electricians left holes in the walls when we had the house rewired. Last year. It gets drafty.
  4. Ooh, we need heat! I can't raise a baby in a house without heat!
  5. Or a bathtub! Our tub definitely needs to be reglazed. Maybe with the money we don't have to spend on IVF now, we should just redo the bathroom...
  6. I need to stop saying "Fuck" so much. Better practice now, so Baby G's first word isn't the f-bomb.
  7. I need to return those pants I bought yesterday! What was I thinking?!
  8. We need to get a video camera.
  9. We need to get life insurance.
  10. We need to make wills.

I also have a million questions!

  1. What kinds of cheese do I need to avoid? I know blue and brie, most soft cheeses. Does this include Feta? Kasseri? Is there a list somewhere? I need to google this!
  2. I know honey is bad for babies under two - is it okay while pregnant?
  3. What are the good books I need to read? Which are the bad ones I should avoid?
  4. I need to find a plus-size maternity store. Is that a question or a thing to do?
  5. Is it safe to keep getting my hair dyed?
  6. What about getting my nails done?
  7. How soon should I tell work? Not 'til after Thursday's results are in, that's for damn sure. But how soon? Weeks? Months? Before I start to show, but after I feel it's safe.
  8. Is Thanksgiving too soon to tell family? Should I wait for Christmas?
  9. How are we going to handle the holidays in the years to come? FIL is on the east coast, MIL is in Washington, and my family is all here. I don't want to spend the holidays with MIL, but I'm sure she'll want to meet her grandbaby.
  10. Oh! When should we tell HIS family?!

Okay, so it's not really a million. But it's a lot, and I keep thinking of things. Don't worry, though. It's not stressful, worrying thinking. Mostly it's excited fun thinking.


Blogger Kelly C. said...

I laugh but I am going to be the same way!!! :)

#3) I have heard what to expect when you are expecting isn't that great.. this one has good reviews:

#5) My hair stylst says it is safe, but I am not going to take my chances.. the stuff stinks so much, it can't be good! I would think nails would be fun!

#8) You should make it sort of like a gift for your family and in laws! Give them a pic of the ultrasound wrapped up.. so cute!

The rest.. I have NO clue! lol!

9:59 AM  
Blogger Kelly C. said...

fine not fun.. :-P

10:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Yay! Don't sweat the little stuff. You have 9 1/2 months to figure all of it out. That's a long time when it comes to cooking that bun in the oven.

The best book I read was the "Girlfriend's Guide to Pregnancy." Awesome, insightful and a good read.

5:57 PM  
Blogger KB said...

How exciting! Keep us posted on your tests!

6:32 PM  

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