Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Super Tuesday, indeed

I voted today. And for the first time in my voting history, I was excited about it. I voted for someone I actually like, someone I admire, instead of the one I disliked less. I even registered with a party so I could vote in this particular election, casting aside my years of "decline to state" in order to have a voice in what is shaping up to be a very interesting election.

My poor husband, who is registered with the opposing party, was too weak from his surgery to make it to the polling place. I offered to go with him and help him, but he's just not up to it. I'm sad, even though we disagree politically. I could live with his candidate as president, and I'm pretty sure he'd be okay with mine.

I have hope for this country again. Even if my candidate doesn't win, we have choices. I face November with curiosity, not with dread. Days like this, it's good to be an American.


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