Tuesday, April 08, 2008

fear factor

This baby of mine gave me quite a scare today. I woke up to cramping and spotting, and *freaked* out. I couldn't get a hold of the doctor because he was in surgery so we hightailed it to the ER.

Everything is fine. I hadn't felt the baby move in a couple of days, but as soon as they found the heartbeat and strapped on the doppler, the kicks started up again. It was a funny sound, kind of a "Ba-da-dum, Ba-da-dum, BAM!" Right on the doppler - it had to be adjusted several times as the baby kicked it off or moved out of range.

My doctor was in surgery at the same hospital, so he came by when he was done to finish up my care. Which was nice, especially when he said he was glad I didn't wait for him and just went in.

They don't know why there's blood. But the placenta looks just fine, the cervix is good, and the baby is moving and doing great. So they told me to rest as much as I can and sent me home. The nurse told me to come back if the bleeding/cramping got worse, or even if I just got scared again. "We'd rather you come in 50 times for no reason, than to sit at home scared because you think we're just going to send you home." That was reassuring, too.

Something really great that came of this whole terrifying experience, though? We got another ultrasound. I got to see my baby again. And the baby was much more cooperative this time - we got the reveal.

We are back on Team Blue. =) I couldn't help myself, when the doctor told me I pumped my fist and said, "Yes!"

Of course, the very best words he said all day were, "The baby looks good, just fine in there." I took the rest of the day off and crashed for a long nap. Fear is exhausting! I'll be back at work tomorrow, since I just sit most of the day and my job is a lot less stressful now that I've transferred to the other showroom. The spotting seems to have stopped, and the cramps are less severe. All in all, everything seems to be okay.


Blogger Poetic Mama said...

I am so glad that you and the baby... and daddy too are doing well!

10:47 PM  
Blogger joyous melancholy said...

Me too. And I'm glad that I have friends who keep me from the edge when I'm oh-so-close to losing my mind. =)

10:56 PM  

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