Friday, May 02, 2008

pregnancy brain

I am a good cook. I'm saying this to remind myself as much as to inform you. I can cook, I enjoy cooking, I'm good at it.

But for some reason, dinner last night posed a challenge. I started the sauce for the steak too soon. The steaks cooked faster than I thought they would. I forgot the rice I wanted to use was 30-minute rice, not 12-minute rice, so everything else went on hold while I got that going. I forgot the asparagus, and then burnt it. I ruined the baslamic reduction for the butter sauce, and couldn't even serve the finished product.

My NY Strip Steaks in Herbed Napa Butter Sauce, Brown Rice Medley, and Roasted Asparagus, turned out to be dried out steaks, no sauce, burnt rice, and no asparagus. I tore up some lettuce and spinach so I'd at least get some veggies in there.

Dinner sucked. =( DH was gracious. "It was fine!" he said, but the pitch of his voice at the end of the sentence belied him.

This morning burnt my breakfast - a whole grain english muffin with ham and cheese. How hard is that?!

I blame pregnancy brain.


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